Memorial Day Flag Display
Last Friday, May 12th, 2023, The O'Bryant NJROTC unit had a chance to go on a Field Trip where they got to display American flags on...

NJROTC Military Ball
This past Saturday, April 8th, 2023, the O'bryant NJROTC Unit had an opportunity to hold a military ball. Thanks to all the cadets, the...

St. Patrick's Day Parade!
On Sunday, March 19th, the O'Bryant NJROTC unit had the opportunity to take part in the South Boston St. Patrick's Day/Evacuation Day...

Awards Ceremony!
Our cadets hard work over the past several months was recognised at the annual awards ceremony. At the event cadets were presented with...

St Patrick's Day Parade Coming Soon!
On March 19th the O'bryant NJROTC unit will be marching on St Patrick's Day in Bostons Historic Parade. This will be the first time any...

O'bryant Cadets Present at historic Union Oyster House
On Tuesday 03/07/2023 four Cadets, C/CPO Santiago, C/LT Kelley, and C/CDR Gordon C/LCDR Lai, along with Chief Barros (left to right)...

Color Guard at Celtics VS hornets
A big day for the Obryant Color Guard, as cadets (in order) Ramos, Thuong, Lacrete, and Mitchell performed in TD Garden for the...

AMI Ceremony
On Monday the sixth 2023 the Obryant NJROTC unit competed its annual military inspection. fulfilling for practical and ceremonial...

NJROTC Unit Bake Sale #1
Operations Officer Khaika Lacrete (middle) successfully planned organised and carried out the units first bake sale of the year. Baked...

Martian Luther King Jr Day
Yesterday we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr day. First observed in 1986 this day recognizes the accomplishments of and activism of...